What a year! Today is officially the last day of our fourth year of this amazing project of the North Belfast Heritage Cluster. Through Great Place North Belfast, members of the Cluster, all fourteen of them, have been working hard to deliver and support regeneration using the unique built heritage and authentic character of this part of north Belfast.
There is far too much activity to share here and now, but we want to shout about some of our highlights of the last twelve months, which includes:
• Our support and participation in the first North Belfast Festival, Look North!.
• Our lobbying work, and our close working relationship with DfC and DfI on the Clifton Street Junctions project.
• The work of our Archive Team to conduct bespoke work on each Cluster member’s archive.
• The work of our contracted Social Media Consultant to improve the social media output of each Cluster member.
• The work of our Community Wealth Building Consultant, creating a project within the Cluster that made members think about their economic impact and how they could become an anchor for community wealth in the future.
• The impact of £6.5k of Seed Funding to develop each member’s capacity.
That’s not to mention the ongoing promotion of the North Belfast Heritage Trail; the highlighting of key figures and events in North Belfast’s history; the promotion of our shared cultures and traditions; our participation in EHOD events and our ongoing work championing North Belfast at meetings, events and network opportunities.
A huge thank you to all our supporters and followers of this fantastic project, and a bigger thank you to our funders National Lottery Heritage Fund Northern Ireland and Belfast Charitable Society.
To find out more about Great Place North Belfast, keep following our socials to find out where we are taking this project next. Watch this space.