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M-F: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Saturday/Sunday: Closed


C/O Clifton House
2 North Queen Street, Belfast, Antrim BT15 1ES

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Great Place North Belfast?

Great Place North Belfast is a project of the North Belfast Heritage Cluster. It uses the unique built heritage and authentic character to deliver and support regeneration in this part of north Belfast. Working with fifteen heritage organisations the project features their historic buildings and sites stretching for one mile along Donegall Street, Clifton Street, the Crumlin Road and part of the Antrim Road. These sites and their associated organisations reflect the diverse stories and vibrant history of north Belfast. Working together to deliver Great Place North Belfast, the organisations will create a heritage-led regeneration plan for the area.

Who is the North Belfast Heritage Cluster

The North Belfast Heritage Cluster is a network of voluntary organisations which have responsibility for historic assets in the area. Its aim is to deliver heritage-led regeneration. This simply means making use of the area’s authentic character to support economic and social development. It is about using what makes the area distinctive to create a more confident sense of place.

The Cluster, is currently made up of the following organisations: Belfast Charitable Society, Carnegie Oldpark, Duncairn Complex, Frederick St Quaker Meeting House, Indian Community Centre, North Belfast Working Mens’ Club, Orange Hall Belfast, Redeemer Central, St Malachy’s College, St Patricks Parish Church and the Jesuits Order.

Who are the organisations and their assets involved in the project?

 Redeemer Central / Donegall Street Congregational Church

  • Belfast Buildings Trust / St. Patrick’s School
  • St Patrick’s Church & Parochial House
  • Quaker Society / Frederick Street Institute
  • Belfast Charitable Society / Clifton House & Graveyard
  • Belfast Orange Hall
  • Indian Community Centre
  • UniTorah / Annesley Street Synagogue
  • Malachy’s College & The O’Laverty Library
  • Carnegie Oldpark Library
  • North Belfast Working Men’s Club
  • Duncairn Complex – 174 Trust
  • Jesuits Order
How significant are these built heritage assets?

These assets are of great and significant historical importance especially in relation to the story of the development of Belfast City. For example Clifton House is Belfast’s oldest working building in Belfast and holds a vast archive dating back to 1600s which tells the story of the development of Belfast and St. Patrick’s School, first Catholic school in the city, built 1832 – these are just some of the stories Great Place North Belfast will reveal over the next three years.

Who is Belfast Charitable Society (BCS?)

BCS is the oldest charity in Northern Ireland based at Clifton house, the oldest working building in Belfast. Established in 1752 to tackle poverty and disadvantage the Society continues this work today. The Belfast Charitable Society remains an important influence in Belfast and is proud of its guiding role in shaping the city.

What is the vision of the project?

Focusing on a one mile stretch of North Belfast starting from Donegall Street and ending on the Crumlin Rd the project will work closely with these sites and associated organisations to reflect the diverse stories and vibrant history of north Belfast to create a heritage-led regeneration plan for the area and to create a more confident sense of place.

How long will the project take?

Great Place North Belfast started in 2018, and will continue to look for funding to resource its important ongoing work. 

How can people find out more about the project?

Follow the project story of Great Place North Belfast on and on Facebook and Twitter #GreatPlaceNorthBelfast