Year - 1774
Clifton House
Clifton Street
028 9099 7022

- Date: 1774
- Architect: Robert Joy (assisted by Robert Mylne and Thomas Cooley)
- Style: Neo-Palladian
- Extensions: Multiple extensions built in the 19th century. Notable architects include W.J Barre and William Hastings.
- Relationships: Home of the Belfast Charitable Society: Belfast's oldest Charity, founded in 1752. The building has historical connections to many of the city's oldest organisations, as well as other cluster members such as Belfast Orange Hall, Frederick Street Meeting House and North Belfast Working Men’s Club.
- Use: Opened as a Poor House, now a residential care home and Heritage Centre. The Heritage Centre houses the archives of the Belfast Charitable Society's history, and offer tours of the building and Clifton Street Cemetery.
- Notable: Mary Ann McCracken, William Drennan, Thomas McCabe, Blanche Hume OBE.
- Stop 5 on the North Belfast Heritage Trail (next stop Clifton Street Cemetery).

III. Under Cover of Darkness: Bodysnatchers, the Newspapers and the Cadaver trade in 19th Century Belfast.