Our Work
The overall aim of the North Belfast Cluster is to create a more confident sense of place through heritage-led regeneration.
We aim to achieve this by working to deliver economic regeneration, improve the physical infrastructure of North Belfast, to inspire community involvement, increase learning opportunities for all and to build confidence and capacity of those organisations within the area.
All of our support will help to ensure our buildings and stories of North Belfast are preserved and promoted for future generations.
Telling Our Stories
The Cluster is formed around buildings, but they would not exist without people. We know that buildings are only important because people make them important, and the stories of the people connected to our buildings are what brings our buildings to life.
This project tells the personal story of someone who cares about and loves our buildings. We photographed them and recorded them telling their story of why the building they use, or want to see reused, is important to them. Through this collection of stories we’ll be able to make sure that more people know why north Belfast’s heritage matters to people in the area today.
Our aim is make sure these stories help visitors and the local community understand their local history, told through the stories of local people, celebrating the diversity of backgrounds that make up north Belfast.
Explore some of our people’s stories below.
III. Under Cover of Darkness: Bodysnatchers, the Newspapers and the Cadaver trade in 19th Century Belfast.
II. Under Cover of Darkness: Bodysnatchers, the Newspapers and the Cadaver trade in 19th Century Belfast.
I. Under Cover of Darkness: Body snatchers, the Newspapers and the Cadaver trade in 19th Century Belfast.
Archive Projects
The collection of stories and objects connected with each of the buildings is enormous. Keeping track of them and making sure that we know what is actually available is a major project and one that presents huge opportunities for the long-term.
This project will produce an archive catalogue and database for each Cluster member, worked to international best practice. It will enable members to begin the process of properly recording their archive material or building on what they have already started to do. This information is invaluable for exploring new stories to tell, sharing information across the Cluster, and potentially supporting members to start new programmes or tourism and business opportunities.
We are working with partners who will provide the coordination and practical support for the database creation. They can also support skills development within the members and provide a new opportunity for us to build volunteer and community involvement.